435 is Too Many

435 is Too Many

Today’s House of Representatives is a far cry from the republican ideal of the founders. It does not provide Americans with the kind of representation the founders intended. Each representative in the House is limited by the committee system and by partisanship and seniority and their calendar and a dozen other considerations. There are just too many people in the House.

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435 is Not Enough

435 is Not Enough

The founders’ ideal of 30,000-to-one has faded in the rear-view mirror. The number of constituents each member of the House represents now varies from a little over 500,000 in Rhode Island to more than a million in Montana. Montanans have half the representation that Rhode Islanders have, and that’s not fair. But nobody anywhere in America gets the level of representation the founding fathers intended, and that is not fair, either.

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