Rewriting the Constitution

Rewriting the Constitution

Any change to our governmental processes should retain as much of the good stuff as possible. It should be based on as much wisdom as possible, including “James Madison’s genius.” But it should also include innovations since James Madison, from other American scholars and from other nations’ experiences in government and civil society. It is good to admire the American founders. But it is foolish to think that nothing new has been learned since their day or that nothing better is possible today.

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The "American People" have no voice

Is it wrong for the president to say what “the people” want but right for members of Congress to? No, it is wrong for the president, and even worse for members of Congress. The president is elected by votes from all over the country. But determining the will of the people is not the president’s job. Members of Congress aren’t even elected by the whole country. Each member of Congress is elected by a small part of the nation. They should speak on behalf of their own district. But none should presume to speak for the country.

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